Dear Readers,

"Almost everyone has suffered painful,sad and happy moments when falling in love and life. In this page, we share some of the sad, happy, love, life story , short novel, articles and quotes, hope you can find your feeling here and feel better!"
Setiap jiwa yang dilahirkan telah tertanam dengan benih untuk mencapai keunggulan hidup, tetapi benih tidak akan tumbuh seandainya tidak dipupuk dengan keberanian,cinta dan kasih sayang. Hidup bukan tentang mendapatkan apa yang kita inginkan, tetapi tentang menghargai apa yang kita miliki, dan sabar menanti yang akan menghampiri.. .Selagi ada cinta selagi itulah ada harapan dalam kehidupan xx

Almost everyone has suffered painful and sad when falling in love. That is a inevitable part when two people in love with each other. In this page, we share some of the best sad love quotes, hope you can find your feeling here and feel better! - See more at:
Almost everyone has suffered painful and sad when falling in love. That is a inevitable part when two people in love with each other. In this page, we share some of the best sad love quotes, hope you can find your feeling here and feel better! - See more at:
Almost everyone has suffered painful and sad when falling in love. That is a inevitable part when two people in love with each other. In this page, we share some of the best sad love quotes, hope you can find your feeling here and feel better! - See more at:


Wednesday 19 November 2014